- Harper, M. (2011). “Dribblers please sit on the left”; the underbelly of disability segregation and acceptance.
An analytical chronology, comparing the historically agreed trauma’s of segregation, such as the racist era surrounding Rosa Parks to the current mindsets and cultural positioning of disability within our society today; there is an unspoken acceptance of disability degradation, avoidance and comforting ignorance.
What disabilities do we embrace and how do we as individuals and a society justify our avoidence of others? Is there an acceptable face of disability?
This paper won Matt the prize of Runner up Young Thinker of the Year 2011 (Societies, Associations and Institutions) as part of the Young England and Wales Programme.
- Harper, M. (2010).‘Sex on [Prosthetic] Legs’: To What Degree Does Live Performances and Other Related Art Works Have on the Viewing of the Disabled Body, Its Aesthetics, Its Beauty and Its Sex Appeal?
Beauty, disability, and theatre; three terms that may initially be seen as unrelated or even completely contrasting, but by critiquing the viewing of the disabled body in relation to the opinions on aesthetics in modern western culture, this study attempts to explore the origins of beauty and the recurring effects it has had on the inclusion of individuals with physical disabilities, and also evaluating how works of theatre and art have an integral part in its development in reality. As this study will show, the issues that will be discussed are very relevant and poignant to the evolution of our cultures and communities, and unlike some aesthetically based ideologies, are inclusive of everyone, disabled or otherwise.
Harper, M. (2010).From Freak to Chic; Reflections on Applied Practice Through Disability Theatre.
- Harper, M. (2009). Gays, Gaps and Ghosts: To what extent can art bare true testimony to the traumatic murder of Matt Shepard and its reverberation on the homosexual culture and identity?
The absence of a young man was filled with the haunting of his ghost, taking the form of guilt ridden questions that stretched from personal to global culture, a discussion over the need for change and many artists have tried to structure this shift in ideologies within their work. This analytical study investigates the artistic practice of baring testimony to an event, authenticity and truth.
If you would like to discuss any of the above or request a copy please get in touch HERE