Honk! The Musical
Music by George Stiles
Book & lyrics by Anthony Drewe
Director - Matt Harper
Musical Direction - Ellie Saunders
Head Choreographer - Rowan Swale
7th-10th December 2011 at Upstage Centre Youth Theatre, York.

Upstage Centre Youth Theatre was given support by the BBC Performing Arts Fund to offer young people (aged 8 -21) the opportunity to develop their skills in singing, dancing and acting over the course of 2011. This musical was the culmination of a year's work and the finale to the youth theatre programme.
When Ugly hatches he does not look or sound like his somewhat brat like brothers and sisters. He is shunned by the entire farmyard, including his father Drake. His mother, Ida is the only one to defend and love him.
Feeling far too ‘different’ he is lured away from safety by the Cat who is sly, cunning and plots to eat poor Ugly.
Lost and alone he tries to find his way home, encountering a charismatic Bullfrog, a regimental gaggle of Geese, a domestic Hen and Cat duo, and Penny – the most beautiful swan he’s ever seen.
Ever more worried Ida leaves her nest to find her lost son, but as Winter draws and the snow falls, optimism melts away.
It seems to be too late when Ida finds her missing duckling, but as her tears soften the ice, Ugly is revealed to be the beautiful swan he was destined to be!
‘Honking’ back to the farmyard it is true to say everyone learns that the world would be a very boring place “if we all looked the same”.
Click Here for the Review!